Who am I?

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Welcome to my personal academic website. I am a staff research associate for Dr Charles Decarli's research group.

I am currently involved in projects which involve measuring the neuroanatomical changes that occur from microvascular damage to the aging brain. Our research group at the IDeA Lab of Davis, California specializes in neuroimaging techniques that quantify and correlate cognitive deficits with structural changes in the brain. We focus on aging populations that are susceptible to vascular and neurodegenrative pathologies such as vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease. I am personally interested in the neural networks that are sufficient and necessary for concious perception and salience processing. Currently I am investigating the extent of white matter tract damage near the claustrum and the total extent of whitematter hyperintensity growth. Outside of work I am interested in exploring nature and urban environments where I take pictures of the scenery and collect stones that catch my interest. I also enjoy playing games with interactive stories and artistic styles and have a preference for mystery and scifi novels.

Current Projects

  • Mango Binary Segmenter

    A segmenting program using a web based interface for automatic segmentation of standard nii-like objects.

  • Autostereogram Perception and Validation

    Pilot online study that tracks eye movement and image recognition when combined with EEG readings to parse brain signals involved with task oriented relaxation.

  • Horiseon Solutions

    A refactoring of Horiseon Solutions to provide a better user experience.